About us

Senergy is a Nonprofit research centre that identifies and supports collaborative innovation, research and technology transfer. Senergy was founded by renowed experts and leading renewable energy researchers with years of research and innovation experience in energy efficiency, PV systems, energy storage, green hydrogen, smart technologies and e-mobility.



Senergy’s goals are to facilitate research and technology development and to drive the transformation towards a low- and zero-emissions energy system and optimal resource efficiency. Our vision is to engage our customers and society to drive the change towards a cleaner world.

Sustainable Energy Transition through Technological Innovation & Energy Research

Senergy works to promote access to clean, sustainable energy in Hungary and Europe through our five main focus areas. We work  to achieve the transition to zero emissions in a sustainable way – environmentally, economically and socially.


Senergy works with many energy field experts in key technology areas to address the energy transition. Our researchers focus on  developing low- and zero-carbon solutions that will efficiently meet local- and global energy needs while minimizing environmental impacts and mitigating climate change.


Senergy evaluates proven technologies, emerging technologies and innovative combinations of the two to provide the best environmental and social solution.


Innovation is at the heart of a successful, sustainable and equitable energy transition and is essential for increasing renewable energy and energy efficiency worldwide, as well as for cooperation on green technologies.
Senergy helps you find solutions for sustainable energy management and production with new and innovative ideas. 



Energy efficiency is a key component in  achieving net zero  carbon emissions  through decarbonization. Energy efficiency is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to combat climate change, reduce energy costs for consumers, and improve the competitiveness


The electrification of mobility is accelerating, requiring a rethink of strategies, operating models and supply chains. A successful transition requires expert support to ensure the safety and quality of vehicles, components and systems.


Green hydrogen could cover up to 24% of the energy market by 2050, providing a zero-emission solution for transport, as a fuel for power generation, for heat supply to manufacturing industries or buildings, for energy storage, and as a key feedstock for the chemical industry. It is a cleaner, more flexible energy carrier and can always be combined with other elements.

Renewable Energy Integration

The level of installed renewable generation such as wind and solar has increased significantly in recent years. Wind and solar resources, due to their variable and uncertain nature compared to conventional resources, can lead to unique challenges in power system planning and operation.
The focus is on the integration of renewable, incorporating renewable energy, distributed generation, energy storage, and thermal technologies into the electricity distribution and transmission system.

Smart grid technology

Smart grid technologies provide efficient and reliable access to energy while reducing emissions, energy costs, reducing waste, lowering peak demand, improving grid reliability, and the integration of renewable resources. Innovative tools will facilitate a smooth and successful  green energy transition.

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